I made this website so that I could keep everything in order seeing as how I don't stick to decisions very well when it comes to things like this. On here you can see all my DIY projects,the attire,the process of wedding planning,the honeymoon,just about anything!

 And one other thing, My wedding is August 28th but I did not start planning my wedding until June 27th for this date so things are a little behind and stressful for me. If you have any questions please email me at. [email protected]

I'm a cheap shopper. When I was younger I wanted everything name brand...now that I'm older and out on my own, I know that you can get the same kind of stuff for cheaper, so through out this..you will realize I shop cheap,find the best bargain and I'm trying to not make my wedding day cost a fortune! :)

We also decided to have our ceremony,then a reception but also an after party since we couldn't have the reception we wanted due to both our families being really religous (and preachers)

**Knottie Disclaimer: I have been collecting photos for a long time and saving them.  So if you see them and they happen to be yours please e-mail me at leahwilliamson08 at live dot com and I'll be happy to give you credit.